Ready to see what's scheduled for Summit? Download a copy of the program to explore more than 70 technical sessions along with other opportunities.

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October 14

07:00 AM

Arrive early to the 2024 AFPM Summit and join us at the Heroes Charity Golf Tournament and Clay Shoot. Events include a welcome dinner on Sunday, October 13, and the Heroes Charity Golf Tournament and Clay Shoot on Monday, October 14. Proceeds will benefit the Heroes Charity Foundation, which supports charities that champion initiatives that improve the lives of veterans, children and the families who support them.

Join a fun event and network with colleagues and clients. Click to learn more.

12:00 PM

02:00 PM

Kyle Cassidy

Technical Services Supervisor Marathon Petroleum Company

Spencer Blindauer

Technology Engineer Axens North America

Valerie Pompa

Executive Vice President, Operations HF Sinclair Corporation

Geoffrey Glasrud

VP & Manufacturing Manager Flint Hills Resources, LLC

Andres Rodriguez

Operations Manager Phillips 66
Emerging Leaders

Valerie Pompa, HF Sinclair Corporation
Geoff Glasrud, Flint Hills Resources LLC
Andres Rodriguez, Phillips 66

Kyle Cassidy, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Spencer Blindauer, Axens North America

04:00 PM

Emerging Leaders

05:00 PM

Sponsored by Crystaphase
October 15

07:00 AM

08:00 AM

Chet Thompson

President and CEO AFPM
Chet Thompson, President and CEO, AFPM

08:30 AM

Peter Zeihan

American Geopolitical Analyst Zeihan on Geopolitics
Speaker: Peter Zeihan, American Geopolitical Analyst

09:30 AM

John Eichberger

Executive Director Transportation Energy Institute

Geoff Moody

Senior Vice President, Government Relations and Policy AFPM
John Eichberger, Transportation Energy Institute
Geoff Moody, AFPM

Perspectives on the market development, challenges, and opportunities to better address emissions.

10:30 AM

10:45 AM

Bill Clark

Director, Reliability Phillips 66

Dean Roberts

EWV Business Coordinator Ergon Refining, Inc.
Reliability & Maintenance Bootcamp

Bill Clark, Phillips 66
Dean Roberts, Ergon Refining, Inc.

Join us for the first ever Reliability & Maintenance Bootcamp!

This series is designed for new engineers in reliability and maintenance who seek practical technical skills, hands-on experience, and exposure to real-world scenarios.

Stay informed. Register early for the 2025 Reliability & Maintenance Bootcamp Webinar.

Willis Jernigan

Consultant AFPM

William Steiner

Chemical Incident Investigator U.S. Chemical Safety Board
Lessons Learned

Willis Jernigan, AFPM

Bill Steiner, U.S. Chemical Safety Board

In this session we will discuss in detail the CSB Investigation of the Fatal Naphtha Release and Fire at the BP-Husky Toledo Refinery that occurred on September 20, 2022. This presentation will discuss the lessons learned from the incident and recommendations from the CSB.

Rajan Rathinasabapathy

Process Optimization Engineer Phillips 66 - Los Angeles Refinery

Brent Railey

Chief Data and Analytics Officer Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP
Artificial Intelligence

Rajan Rathinasabapathy, Phillips 66

Brent Railey, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

Demistifying AI by explaining what it is, how it works without a deep dive, no specifics, discussing use cases.

Come prepared with your AI questions by viewing the pre-session AI 101 webinar.

Michael Mitzner

Senior Account Manager - Global Solutions Axens North America

Sindy G Stone

Business Development Executive Axens North America
Sponsored Content

Diamond Sponsor — Axens North America

Mike Mitzner, Axens North America
Sindy Stone, Heurtey Petrochem Solutions

11:30 AM

11:45 AM

Adi Punuru

Autonomous Operations Commercialization Lead ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company

Brent Railey

Chief Data and Analytics Officer Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP
Artificial Intelligence

Adi Punuru, ExxonMobil Corporation

Brent Railey, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

The two most controversial and potentially useful aspects of applied AI reside in Generative AI and Reinforcement Learning. Generative AI has applications in technical training, procedures and guided application development. Reinforcement Learning has applications in nonlinear closed loop optimization. Both areas will be of interest to refinery engineers and managers. This session is an extension of AI 101 which presented a broader view of the areas of application for AI.

Wren Mills

Technology Advisor Valero Energy Corporation

Ryan Grothe

Process Safety Execution Manager Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP
Lessons Learned

Wren Mills, Valero Energy Corporation

Ryan Grothe, Chevron Phillips Chemical LP

Attendees will learn about:

  1. HOP is a Leadership Mindset Shift

  2. Meet Leaders where they are at

  3. Using HOP in Incident Investigations is a great way to introduce HOP to an organization and prompt an “Aha” moment for Leaders

Bailey D. Allen

Chief Technology Officer Refined Technologies, Inc.
Sponsored Content

Diamond Sponsor — Refined Technologies, Inc. (R-T-I)

Bailey Allen, Refined Technologies, Inc.

Bill Clark

Director, Reliability Phillips 66

Carlos Acosta

Phillips 66

Abby Esterly

Program Manager AFPM
Reliability & Maintenance Bootcamp

Bill Clark, Phillips 66

Carlos Acosta, Phillips 66
Abby Esterly, AFPM

Participate in the Bootcamp Technology workshop to explore a simulated potential leak scenario and learn immediate response actions within the initial five minutes. Additionally, discover the benefits of using an acrylic pump to resolve inspection challenges.

This session will help and encourage attendees to:

  • Understand what good looks like

  • Increase knowledge on new technology tools

  • Identify and share good practices

12:30 PM

AFPM Lounge Content

AFPM Lounge: Who is AFPM? Join us!

02:00 PM

Jonathan Guidry

Vice President of Maintenance and Turnarounds Turner Industries Group, LLC
Sponsored Content

Gold Sponsor — Turner Industries Group, LLC

Jonathan Guidry, Turner Industries Group, LLC

Imagine a world where experience gaps vanish and every frontline worker performs like a seasoned pro - it's closer than you think. A seismic shift is reshaping the workforce in our industry, and it's forcing unique solutions to stay ahead of the curve. Learn how this transformation, with the help of technology, is building a resilient workforce capable of consistently high-quality performance, regardless of individual experience.

Rhasheda Douglas

Principal Excel in Equity, LLC

Lloyd Freeman

Principal and Owner Veritas Diversity Solutions, LLC
Human Centric Leadership

Rhasheda Douglas, Principal of Excel in Equity, LLC
Lloyd Freeman, Principal and Owner of Veritas Diversity Solutions, LLC

Sponsored by Solenis

Bill Clark

Director, Reliability Phillips 66

Larry Webb

Health and Safety Director Flint Hills Resources, LLC
Reliability & Maintenance Bootcamp

Bill Clark, Phillips 66

Larry Webb, Flint Hills Resources, LLC

We will explore scenarios of when things go wrong, delve into PSM regulations, discuss RAGAGEP (Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices), and emphasize the significance of going beyond compliance.

Participants will learn:

  • How to move beyond compliance

  • How to ‘fail safely’

  • How “risk” can be assessed differently – the importance of different points of view

Ed Rios

Vice President - Operations Excellence Par Pacific Holdings, Inc

Howard Butler

Project Development Supervisor Phillips 66

Liana Siegel

HF Alkylation Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Lessons Learned, FCC, HF Alkylation

Ed Rios, Par Pacific

Howard Butler, Phillips 66
Liana Siegel, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

The unique challenges of FCC processing of ASO will be presented. Representatives from P66 and Marathon will present a lessons learned from processing Alky ASO in the FCC. The characteristics of ASO will be presented.

02:45 PM

AFPM Lounge Content

AFPM Lounge: Get involved! Committee Structure & Participation

03:00 PM

Wren Mills

Technology Advisor Valero Energy Corporation

Ben Manns

Senior Principal for Human Performance ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company

Wren Mills, Valero Energy Corporation

Ben Manns, ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company

Justin Edson

HF Sinclair Corporation
Lessons Learned

Justin Edson, HF Sinclair

Jaxson O'Brien

Rotating Equipment Specialist CHS Inc.

Paul Barna

Southwest/West Regional Sales Manager RDI Technologies

Vlad Derkach

Flint Hills Resources, LLC
Reliability & Maintenance Bootcamp

Jaxson O'Brien, CHS Inc.

Paul Barna, RDI Technologies
Vlad Derkach, Flint Hills Resources, LLC

This Bootcamp Technology session will explore and demonstrate the advantages of utilizing motion amplification in a refinery.

Attendees will learn about:

  1. Enhanced visibility

  2. Non contact measurement

  3. Enhanced safety

  4. Portability

Gary Cheng

Director, Strategic Marketing FCC W. R. Grace & Co.
Sponsored Content

Gold Sponsor — W. R. Grace & Co.

Gary Cheng, W. R. Grace & Co.

03:45 PM

AFPM Lounge Content

AFPM Lounge: Immersive Learning Projects Demonstration

04:00 PM

Joel Lack

Sr Engineer – Corrosion Control Baker Hughes
Sponsored Content

Gold Sponsor — Baker Hughes

Joel Lack, Baker Hughes

Bill Clark

Director, Reliability Phillips 66

Jimmy Jernigan

Director, Global Reliability LyondellBasell Industries

Brian T. Batts

Director of Mechanical Integrity Phillips 66

Keneth Marden

Mechanical Integrity Technology Advisor Valero Energy Corporation

David Nixon

Maintenance and Reliability Manager LyondellBasell Industries

Brian Novicki

Director Technical Services Valero Energy Corporation
Reliability & Maintenance Bootcamp

Bill Clark, Phillips 66
Jimmy Jernigan, LyondellBasell Industries

Brian Batts, Phillips 66
Keneth Marden, Valero Energy Corporation
David Nixon, LyondellBasell Industries
Brian Novicki, Valero Energy Corporation

This panel of reliability, inspection and operational excellence managers will discuss the scope of healthy MI programs.

Attendees will learn:
  • What a good MI program looks like

  • Metrics/KPIs

  • Audit/assessments

  • Barriers to a healthy program

  • Use of technology to improve your program
  • Val Corcoran

    VP of EHS BrandSafway

    Leonard I. Degreenia III

    Director - Human & Organizational Performance IEC BrandSafway

    Scott Willis

    HSE Manager, Wood River Refinery Phillips 66
    Lessons Learned

    Val Corcoran, BrandSafway
    Leonard Degreenia, BrandSafway
    Scott Willis, Phillips 66

    Michael Allegro II

    Technical Service Specialist BASF Corporation

    Rodney Reeves

    Operations Training Supervisor CHS Inc.

    Nick Turner

    Technical Service Specialist Honeywell UOP
    Training, FCC

    Michael Allegro, BASF Corporation

    Rodney Reeves, CHS Inc.
    Nick Turner, Honeywell UOP

    04:45 PM

    AFPM Lounge Content

    AFPM Lounge: Engage with EMPOWER

    06:15 PM

    Sponsored by HASC

    AFPM Conference Sponsor
    October 16

    07:00 AM

    08:00 AM

    Andy Woods

    Plant Manager Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Jim Griffin

    Senior VP - Energy & Petrochemicals San Jacinto College

    Ferril Onyett

    Vice President, Talent Management BrandSafway

    Brian Novicki

    Director Technical Services Valero Energy Corporation

    Andy Woods, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Jim Griffin, San Jacinto College
    Ferril Onyett, BrandSafway
    Brian Novicki, Valero Energy Corporation

    Will the energy industry have enough operating and design & construction personnel to operate and maintain existing assets and build and operate the infrastructure planned for the future? How can we address the changing needs of the generation about to enter the workforce? Are companies adopting and implementing advanced technologies to enhance safety, quality, and efficiency on each jobsite?

    The panel, consisting of owners, EPCs, academia, and construction workforce training and development experts, will discuss how we can develop, engage, train and sustain enough personnel to meet the projected energy and infrastructure needs across the country.

    Eric M Legare

    Team Lead, Refinery Systems and Sustainability Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    William J Bandy III

    Hydroprocessing Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Delbert R Grotewold

    Renewable Fuels SME Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Nathan Jannasch

    Manager, Process Engineering at Chevron Renewable Energy Group Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Matthew Kawabe

    Technical Service Manager Topsoe, Inc.

    Kamyar Keyvanloo

    Senior Hydroprocessing Engineer Phillips 66

    Eric Legare, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    William Bandy, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Delbert Grotewold, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
    Nathan Jannasch, Chevron U.S.A, Inc.
    Matthew Kawabe, Topsoe, Inc.
    Kamyar Keyvanloo, Phillips 66

    Many new facilities were commissioned recently to produce renewable diesel and SAF from renewable feedstocks to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels while taking advantage of state and federal credits. Operating experience in this technology has been gathered by operators and their suppliers. This session will capture some of that expertise and share it with the audience in a traditional Q&A format. An experienced panel of Renewables experts from Operating and Technology companies will answer member supplied questions on operations, technology, reliability and lessons learned. Those in attendance are sure to gain valuable knowledge on this important topic.

    Samuel A. Lordo

    Advisor Becht

    Jacob Young

    General Manager - North America Petroval S.A.

    Sylvain Fontaine

    Senior Application Expert - Hydrocarbon Processing Industry Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Robert Graham

    Process Technology Specialist HF Sinclair Corporation

    Beverly Long

    Heavy Oil Technologist Marathon Petroleum Company

    Royce Roemisch

    Delek US
    Crude, Coking

    Sam Lordo, Becht
    Jacob Young, Petroval S.A.

    Sylvain Fontaine, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
    Bob Graham, HF Sinclair Corporation
    Beverly Long, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Royce Roemisch, Delek US

    Sergio Robledo

    Senior Technical Manager Unicat Catalyst Technologies

    Adrian H. Azpilicueta

    Sr. Industry Technical Consultant Nalco Water

    Steven W Mayo

    VP, Technology & Business Development Eurecat U.S. Incorporated

    Montri Vichailak

    Hydroprocessing Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Sergio Robledo, Unicat Catalyst Technologies

    Adrian Azpilicueta, Nalco Water
    Steve Mayo, Eurecat U.S. Incorporated
    Montri Vichailak, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    This session will cover the sources, mechanisms, and mitigations of common inorganic poisons of hydroprocessing catalysts. First, we will cover the main types of poisons encountered in hydroprocessing units and their sources. Next the three main poisoning mechanisms will be reviewed along with the severity of poisoning and catalyst mitigations to extend cycle. After that we will consider mitigations upstream of the hydrotreater to extend cycle life. Finally, a refinery case study will be presented demonstrating a process of extending cycle length in a hydrotreater with feedstock poisons.

    Atique Malik

    Founder AIControl LLC

    Darin Foote

    Director, Process Engineering CHS Inc.

    Chuck Johnston

    Lead Process Controls Engineer Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Vidyashankar Kuppuraj

    Corporate APC Engineer Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Johnny Serafin

    Process Controls and Modeling Team Lead Phillips 66 - Bayway Refinery

    Nic Tognetti

    Process Controls Engineer CHS Refinery
    Optimization, FCC

    Atique Malik, AIControl LLC

    Darin Foote, CHS Inc.
    Chuck Johnston, Marathon Petroleum Corporation LP
    Vidyashankar Kuppuraj, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Johnny Serafin, Phillips 66
    Nic Tognetti, CHS Inc.

    Advanced process control (APC) has been employed in FCC applications for 40 years. Despite the similarities of FCC Technology and APC platforms the success of these applications varies widely. In this session we will discuss common threads that lead to poor outcomes and how to build a successful APC program on a modern FCC.

    Gary Kemeny

    Engineering Advisor PBF Energy Inc.

    Liana Siegel

    HF Alkylation Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    HF Alkylation, Lessons Learned

    Gary Kemeny, PBF Energy Inc.
    Liana Siegel, Marathon Petroleum Company

    08:45 AM

    AFPM Lounge Content

    AFPM Lounge: Walk the Line Overview

    09:00 AM

    Atique Malik

    Founder AIControl LLC

    Chris Harrison

    Advanced Process Control Engineer Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Artificial Intelligence

    Atique Malik, AIControl LLC

    Chris Harrison, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    This session will discuss the project development and workflow, implementation, and application maintenance of an Imubit DLPC that was used to reduce giveaway on drum cycles on a delayed coker unit. The DLPC was successful in reducing the number of cycles in which the target level was not achieved in the fixed cycle time period. This resulted in an overall reduction in the number of barrels given away in each cycle. The application has achieved great acceptance by Operations.

    Participants will:

    • Gain an understanding of the Imubit DLPC application to reduce giveway on Coker Drum cycles

    • Gain an understanding of the workflow for an Imubit DLPC project

    • Gain an understanding of unique challenges and lessons learned from the project

    Liana Siegel

    HF Alkylation Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Monica Plowman

    Corporate Mechanical Integrity Leader Ethos Mechanical Integrity Solutions, LLC
    HF Alkylation, Mechanical Integrity

    Liana Siegel, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Monica Plowman, Ethos Mechanical Integrity Solutions, LLC

    Andy Woods

    Plant Manager Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Jim Griffin

    Senior VP - Energy & Petrochemicals San Jacinto College

    Ferril Onyett

    Vice President, Talent Management BrandSafway

    Brian Novicki

    Director Technical Services Valero Energy Corporation

    Andy Woods, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Jim Griffin, San Jacinto College
    Ferril Onyett, BrandSafway
    Brian Novicki, Valero Energy Corporation

    Will the energy industry have enough operating and design & construction personnel to operate and maintain existing assets and build and operate the infrastructure planned for the future? How can we address the changing needs of the generation about to enter the workforce? Are companies adopting and implementing advanced technologies to enhance safety, quality, and efficiency on each jobsite?

    The panel, consisting of owners, EPCs, academia, and construction workforce training and development experts, will discuss how we can develop, engage, train and sustain enough personnel to meet the projected energy and infrastructure needs across the country.

    Diane Dierking

    Americas Sales Manager – Hydrogen and Purification Johnson Matthey

    James R. Esteban

    Senior Technical Manager Unicat Catalyst Technologies

    Ashley Brossette

    Process Engineering Manager Valero Energy Corporation

    Ken Chlapik

    Global Market Manager - Low Carbon Solutions Johnson Matthey

    Kathy Picioccio

    Technical Specialist Unicat Catalyst Technologies

    Diane Dierking, Johnson Matthey
    James Esteban, Unicat Catalyst Technologies

    Ashley Brossette, Valero Energy Corporation
    Ken Chlapik, Johnson Matthey
    Kathy Picioccio, Unicat Catalyst Technologies

    Eric M Legare

    Team Lead, Refinery Systems and Sustainability Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    William J Bandy III

    Hydroprocessing Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Delbert R Grotewold

    Renewable Fuels SME Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Nathan Jannasch

    Manager, Process Engineering at Chevron Renewable Energy Group Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Matthew Kawabe

    Technical Service Manager Topsoe, Inc.

    Kamyar Keyvanloo

    Senior Hydroprocessing Engineer Phillips 66

    Eric Legare, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    William Bandy, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Delbert Grotewold, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
    Nathan Jannasch, Chevron U.S.A, Inc.
    Matthew Kawabe, Topsoe, Inc.
    Kamyar Keyvanloo, Phillips 66

    Many new facilities were commissioned recently to produce renewable diesel and SAF from renewable feedstocks to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels while taking advantage of state and federal credits. Operating experience in this technology has been gathered by operators and their suppliers. This session will capture some of that expertise and share it with the audience in a traditional Q&A format. An experienced panel of Renewables experts from Operating and Technology companies will answer member supplied questions on operations, technology, reliability and lessons learned. Those in attendance are sure to gain valuable knowledge on this important topic.

    Samuel A. Lordo

    Advisor Becht

    Jacob Young

    General Manager - North America Petroval S.A.

    Sylvain Fontaine

    Senior Application Expert - Hydrocarbon Processing Industry Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Robert Graham

    Process Technology Specialist HF Sinclair Corporation

    Beverly Long

    Heavy Oil Technologist Marathon Petroleum Company

    Royce Roemisch

    Delek US
    Crude, Coking

    Sam Lordo, Becht
    Jacob Young, Petroval S.A.

    Sylvain Fontaine, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
    Bob Graham, HF Sinclair Corporation
    Beverly Long, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Royce Roemisch, Delek US

    09:45 AM

    AFPM Lounge Content

    AFPM Lounge: FCC Process Safety Regional Workshops

    10:00 AM

    Atique Malik

    Founder AIControl LLC

    Yangdong Pan

    Director of Process Controls Delek US

    Toni Adetayo

    Implementation Engineering Team Lead Imubit, Inc.
    Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Process Controls

    Atique Malik, AIControl LLC

    Yangdong Pan, Delek US
    Toni Adetayo, Imubit, Inc.

    Multi-unit optimization has long been a complex issue in the oil and gas industry. Despite efforts using first-principle models or empirical approaches, challenges persist. However, the emergence of machine learning and AI technologies offers an alternative solution. In particular, AI-based process control technology has shown promise for multi-unit optimization. This session will delve into an example using a distillate system optimizer to understand how these AI models address large-scale optimization challenges and how parent and child models collaborate.

    Participants will learn:

    • The strength of the technology and its high flexibility of handling core issues

    • How the technology deals with the availability of individual units, and cooperates with unit controllers from other advanced control technologies

    • How to sustain the technology’s performance and benefits

    • A site-wide AI adoption strategy

    Eamon Cullinane

    Director, Renewable Energy Markets Turner, Mason & Company

    Andrea de Rezende Pinho

    Senior Researcher PETROBRAS

    Clifford D Avery

    Global FCC Process Advisor Ketjen Corporation

    CJ Farley

    FCC Consultant TPM Solutions LLC
    Sustainability, FCC

    Cliff Avery, Ketjen Corpotation
    CJ Farley, TPM Solutions

    1. Commercial Results of 100% Vegetable Oil Processing in an FCCU
    Speaker: Andrea de Rezende Pinho, Petróleo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS

    In 2023, Petrobras and the Riograndense Refinery (RPR) successfully processed 100% vegetable oil in a Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Unit. Petrobras' technology is based on three pillars: i) triglycerides, such as soybean oil used in the commercial test, ii) ReNewFCC line catalyst and iii) unique operating conditions compared to conventional FCCUs. Biogenic products such as renewable aromatic hydrocarbons (BTX - benzene, toluene and xylene), renewable LPG, and renewable propylene were produced during the commercial trial. Commercial yields, quality of the products, operational challenges and technical adaptations for the trial will be presented.

    2. U.S. HEFA Co-processing – Past, Present, and Future Projects
    Speaker: Eamon Cullinane, Turner, Mason & Company

    HEFA co-processing at U.S. oil refineries has historically not seen the same success as standalone RD/SAF refinery conversions. So why has co-processing in the U.S. been limited in the past and why might we see more of it in the future? We will explore historical production levels of co-processing, economics vs standalone RD/SAF facilities, the regulatory landscape and credit incentives (RINs, BTC, CFPC/45Z, CA LCFS, etc.) driving these economics, and future prospects of co-processing in the U.S.

    Liana Siegel

    HF Alkylation Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Jatin Shah

    Sr. Principal Consultant Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc.
    HF Alkylation

    Liana Siegel, Marathon Petroleum Company

    Jatin Shah, BakerRisk

    Christy Anderson

    Americas Technical Service Manager, Hydroprocessing Ketjen Corporation

    Carmen Angelini

    Process Design Engineer CITGO Petroleum Corporation

    Mitchell E. Loescher

    Technical Sales Manager - Hydroprocessing ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company

    Teo Trotus

    Segment Lead Refining hte GmbH

    Oscar M. Brown

    Principle Process Engineer Valero Energy Corporation

    Oscar Brown, Valero Energy Corporation

    1. Case Study: Boosting Hydrocracking Performance with Celestia™ Catalyst to Double Run Length and Enable Cold-Flow Improvement with MIDW
    Christy Anderson, Ketjen Corporation
    Mitchel Loescher , ExxonMobil Corporation

    2. High throughput testing enables tailored, optimized, and confident catalyst selection for CITGO's Unicracker
    Carmen Angelini, CITGO Petroleum Corporation
    Ioan-Teodor Trotus, hte GmbH

    Samuel A. Lordo

    Advisor Becht

    Graylon Williams

    Sr Industry Technical Consultant Nalco Energy Services

    Sam Lordo, Becht

    Graylon Williams, Nalco Water

    Refineries have increased focus on processing unfamiliar opportunity crude oils to improve profitability. However, the introduction of these new crude slates brings uncertainties that can impact refinery operations. One major challenge is crude incompatibility due to asphaltene instability, which affects desalters, emulsion stability, preheat trains and furnace fouling.

    For decades, the industry has recognized the importance of tracking asphaltene stability. Suppliers and refineries employ diverse equipment to assess feeds stability including benchtop microscopy and titration equipment. Unfortunately, those methods can require time-consuming offsite laboratory testing.

    Now, utilizing a portable, handheld near-infrared (NIR) analyzer, crude oil tanks and other refinery feeds can be assessed for stability and blending suitability with near instantaneous results. NIR spectra from crude oil samples are collected and compared against a database of crudes and crude unit feeds with known asphaltene stability parameters. Asphaltene stability parameters are modeled and reported with a stability assessment.

    In the presentation, we will delve into the fundamentals of these available tools, showcasing real-world case studies where they have been successfully applied for crude blends and crude pretreatment to improve and optimize desalter operations and crude preheat train fouling.

    Gerard Celestine

    Maintenance Support Mgr. Motiva Enterprises, LLC

    Tieraney Celestine

    Materials Management Analyst Motiva Enterprises LLC

    Andrew Martindale

    Site Materials Lead Motiva Enterprises LLC

    David Midkiff

    Inventory Analyst Motiva Enterprises LLC

    Gerard Celestine, Motiva Enterprises, LLC

    Tieraney Celestine, Motiva Enterprises, LLC
    Andrew Martindale, Motiva Enterprises, LLC
    David Midkiff, Motiva Enterprises, LLC

    This session will discuss the evolution and ability of a successful materials management system that prepares for events at a time when rising material, labor costs and availability is due to inflation and supply chain interruptions.

    10:45 AM

    AFPM Lounge Content

    AFPM Lounge: Emerging Leaders Networking

    11:00 AM

    Valentina Di Mauro

    Director of Business Development, LOHC Honeywell UOP

    Sebastien LeCarpenteier

    Head of Low Carbon Hydrogen Program Axens North America
    Sustainability, Gasoline Processes

    Sebastien LeCarpenteier, Axens North America
    Valentina Di Mauro, Honeywell UOP

    Matthew Z. Goodman

    Manager Renewables and Emerging Technologies Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Valentina Di Mauro

    Director of Business Development, LOHC Honeywell UOP

    Juan Pereira da la Riera

    Hydrogen Development Engineer Axens North America
    Sustainability, Gasoline Processes

    Matt Goodman, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Valentina Di Mauro, Honeywell UOP
    Juan Pereira de la Riera, Axens North America

    Kurt Detrick

    Process Specialist Honeywell UOP

    Jonathon Keuler

    Principal TS Specialist Honeywell UOP
    HF Alkylation

    Kurt Detrick, Honeywell UOP

    Jon Keuler, Honeywell UOP

    This session will discuss some process hazards found in HF Alkylation units, and how shutdown systems are used to address these hazards.

    Lance Cox

    Technical Director, Downstream Nalco Water

    Dean Roberts

    EWV Business Coordinator Ergon Refining, Inc.

    Raúl Romero

    Technical Director Refining Nalco Water
    Mechanical Integrity

    Lance Cox, Nalco Water
    Dean Roberts, Ergon Refining, Inc

    Raúl Romero, Nalco Water

    In this session we will discuss different aspects related to the design, operation, troubleshooting and maintenance of different wash water systems operating in different units of a refinery. Since it is a critical application from the reliability point of view, different practices and criteria are applied based on experience.

    Steven Shimoda

    Refining Technology Manager Technip Energies

    Warren Dan Harbs

    Senior Technical Consultant Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Kevin Harkness

    Ops Lead Area 4 Monroe Energy, LLC
    FCC, Reliability

    Steve Shimoda, Technip Energies

    Dan Harbs, Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions
    Kevin Harkness, Monroe Energy, LLC

    Case studies will be presented highlighting different fouling mechanisms, the impact of fouling on bottoms circuit equipment and MF operation, and methods to mitigate fouling and clean-up the circuit for improved operation.

    Alyssa Parks

    Process Engineering Manager, Technology and Operations Support PEMEX Deer Park

    John Durnin

    Process Control Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Stephen Gill

    Director, Process Safety HF Sinclair Corporation

    Yangdong Pan

    Director of Process Controls Delek US

    Patrick Robinson

    Sr. Director, Operations Technology & Advanced Process Controls PBF Energy Inc.
    Abnormal Situation Management

    Alyssa Parks, PEMEX Deer Park

    John Durnin, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Steve Gill, HF Sinclair
    Yangdong Pan, Delek US
    Patrick Robinson, PBF Energy Inc.

    Operation of a complex refinery process involves keeping the process within varous types of limits. These include safe operating limits, integrity operating windows, machine protection or other reliability limits, and product quality limits. This diverse background panel session from process controls and process safety management explores how to effectively identify these parameters and keep the limits in front of operators using instrumented shutdowns, alarm systems, and other monitoring and alerting software.

    Audra Higgins

    Operator, Product Control Operations Phillips 66

    Kacey Lopez

    Operator Phillips 66

    Russell Thompson

    Boilermaker Phillips 66
    Walk the Line

    Audra Higgins, Phillips 66
    Kacey Lopez, Phillips 66
    Russell Thompson, Phillips 66

    Hear from front line Maintenance and Operations personnel from the Sweeny Refinery as they discuss Walk-the-Line, how supervisor engagement enhances the ability of front-line employees to perform hazard assessments and taking your safety into your own hands. They will highlight tools that have improved their Hazard Identification and Mitigation, leading to three consecutive AFPM DSA Awards.

    Attendees will learn:

    1. What walk the line actually means.

    2. Importance of Supervision in influencing proper hazard assessments.

    3. Protect Yourself, trust but verify.

    11:45 AM

    AFPM Lounge Content

    AFPM Lounge: Q&A Transcript Database Demonstration

    01:15 PM

    Thomas Porritt

    Reforming/Isomerization Business Network Leader Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Russell Wiltse

    Director Technology Valero Energy Corporation

    Wayne Woodard

    Hydroprocessing Advisor Valero Energy Corporation
    Gasoline Processes

    Thomas Porritt, Chevron USA Inc.
    Russ Wiltse, Valero Energy Corporation
    Wayne Woodard, Valero Energy Corporation

    Vickie Bradford

    Sr. Training Specialist Instructional Design/ E-Learning Developer Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Tim Chappell

    Immersive Technology Studios Product Owner ExxonMobil Corporation

    Dr. Richard Hannah

    VP of Learning and Innovation Health and Safety Council

    Jay Turner

    Ops Learning Capability Lead Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Tyler Veenstra

    Refining Training & Development Manager Marathon Petroleum Company

    Vickie Bradford, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Timothy Chappell, ExxonMobil Corporation
    Dr. Richard Hannah, Health and Safety Council
    Jay Turner, Flint Hills Resources, LLC
    Tyler Veenstra, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Interactive, immersive, virtual simulations that allow learners the opportunity to fail in a safe environment, develop a more robust mental framework and provide deeper understanding around Winterization and the First 5 Minutes of an emergency situation.

    Gerard Celestine

    Maintenance Support Mgr. Motiva Enterprises, LLC

    Carlos Diaz

    Health & Safety Supervisor Motiva Enterprises LLC

    Sterling Gregg

    Tank Program Manager Motiva Enterprises, LLC
    Mechanical Integrity, Lessons Learned

    Gerard Celestine, Motiva Enterprises, LLC

    Carlos Diaz, Motiva Enterprises, LLC
    Sterling Gregg, Motiva Enterprises, LLC

    Learn from an incident where a sand blast pot was opened under pressure. We will discuss how the site was effected by this incident and how Motiva partnered with onsite contractors to create an onboarding document and video to ensure this type of incident is not repeated.

    Calvin Mukarakate

    Global Research Manager II NREL

    Juan Sacoto

    Global Head of Agribusiness Consulting S&P Global

    Dr. Calvin Mukarakate, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
    Juan Sacoto, S&P Global

    Tim Olsen

    Solution Consultant Emerson Automation Solutions

    Jerry Isch

    Operations Training Supervisor Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    David Anthony Lee

    President User Centered Design Services Inc

    Christi Mezzic

    Process Control Consultant Emerson Automation Solutions

    Johnny Serafin

    Process Controls and Modeling Team Lead Phillips 66 - Bayway Refinery
    Optimization, Abnormal Situation Management

    Tim Olsen, Emerson Automation Solutions

    Jerry Isch, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Dave Lee, User Centered Design Services Inc.
    Christi Mezzic, Emerson Automation Solutions
    Johnny Serafin, Phillips 66

    This is a panel session follow-on based on the recent AFPM webinar by Phillips 66 Bayway that discussed HMI and alarming enhancements during a control room modernization project. Key components discussed in the webinar were alarm rationalization and the development of HMI graphics based on human-centered design principles with the goal to improve safe reliable operation at the facility. Key design considerations come from industry standards and good shared practices, along with valuable input from key stakeholders across departments. This panel session will also discuss operator development to improve situation awareness as part of a control room modernization.

    Come prepared with your questions by viewing the pre-session.

    Samantha Boyle

    Refining Engineer II Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Nikolas A Larsen

    FCC Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Patrick McSorley

    FCC Technical Service Engineer Ketjen Corporation

    Grant Severyn

    FCC Technical Service Specialist BASF Corporation

    Stephen Jewell

    Technical Advisor KBR

    Stephen Jewell, KBR

    Samantha Boyle, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Nik Larsen, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Patrick McSorley, Ketjen Corporation
    Grant Severyn, BASF Corporation

    1. Maximizing Butylene Yields Through Catalyst Design

    2. Evaluating Complex Operational Changes via Modeling and Testing

    In this presentation, we will detail the close collaboration between Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC) and BASF to introduce a new catalyst technology to meet the market demand for butylenes yield and selectivity and high-octane gasoline, from development, evaluation, commercialization, to deployment of the new technology. These commercial trial results are the next step forward for LPG olefins maximization and selectivity, demonstrating significant economic value across a wide range of unit configurations and constraints for a refiner continually striving to be at the forefront of FCC catalyst technology.

    02:00 PM

    AFPM Lounge Content

    AFPM Lounge: Safety Portal Demonstration

    02:15 PM

    Elizabeth A. Manning

    Manager, Risk and Process Safety Cheniere Energy

    Daniel P McGraw

    Operations Manager Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Breanna Busker

    Technologist Refined Technologies, Inc.

    Alisha Deshpande

    Process Engineering Team Lead Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Matthew Holub

    IEA Reliability Team Lead LyondellBasell Industries
    Emerging Leaders

    Liz Manning, Cheniere Energy
    Daniel McGraw, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Breanna Busker, Refined Technologies/ReNu Technologies
    Alisha Deshpande, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    Matt Holub, LyondellBasell Industries

    Join us for an engaging panel discussion featuring three accomplished leaders with unique career trajectories. In the first session, we’ll explore strategies to maximize your impact in your current role. The second session will delve into the art of career decision-making, emphasizing that there’s no one-size-fits-all path. Our panelists will share their personal stories and experiences, and we invite attendees to contribute their own insights.

    Bill Clark

    Director, Reliability Phillips 66

    Mike Tremblay

    Technical Services Supervisor - Process Control Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Nagappan Muthiah

    Safety Instrumented Systems Lead Phillips 66
    Mechanical Integrity

    Bill Clark, Phillips 66
    Mike Tremblay, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Nagappan Muthiah, Phillips 66

    This presentation will show how Phillips 66 was able to define a strategy to benefit from the digitalization of their Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) information. After multiple attempts, it became evident that using a single tool or solution for the entire safety lifecycle was too challenging because of the established work processes and existing tools. Instead, we identified solutions that connected data between the tools and then leveraged the benefits of digital data to provide useful insights.

    Todd Hochheiser

    Senior Key Account Manager Johnson Matthey

    J. W. Wilson

    FCC Consultant Houston Fuel Oil Terminal Company

    Matt Berens

    Equilibrium Catalyst Inc.

    Peter Blaser

    Vice President of Operations CPFD LLC

    Tiffany Clark

    FCC Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    CJ Farley

    FCC Consultant TPM Solutions LLC

    Robert E. Montgomery

    Sr. Process Engineer Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    FCC, Reliability

    Todd Hochheiser, Johnson Matthey
    Bill Wilson, TPM Solutions

    Matt Berens, ECI
    Peter Blaser, CPFD LLC
    Tiffany Clark, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    CJ Farley, TPM Solutions
    Robert Mongomery, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Proactively Managing FCC Reliability and Performance: Two Refinery Case Studies

    1. Controlling Erosion in teh FCCU: Classification and Engineered Porperty Control of FCC Catalysts and Additives
    Presenters: Tiffany Clark, Marathon Petroleum; CJ Farley TPM Solutions; Matt Berens, ECI

    2. Chevron Pascagoula FCC Regenrator Optimization Modeling
    Presenters: Peter Blaser, CPFD LLC; Robert Mongomery, Chevron USA

    Two FCC case studies will be presented where fundamental modeling and the implementation of the model outputs were used to improve FCC reliability and performance. Marathon Galveston Bay utilized catalyst and additive classification and property control to reduce erosion and catalyst losses. Chevron Pascagoula applied computational particle fluid dynamics to propose and implement regenerator changes to improve catalyst retention and combustion kinetics. In this session, study details and the resulting FCC benefits are reviewed.

    Karen Green

    Sustainability Technologist Marathon Petroleum Company

    Omar F Ahmed

    VP, Engineering DEPCOM Power

    Stan Carp

    Manager, Strategic Planning CITGO Petroleum Corporation

    Jake Reint

    Vice President, Public Affairs Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Karen Green, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Omar Ahmed, P.E. DEPCOM Power
    Stan Carp, CITGO Petroleum Corporation
    Jake Reint, Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Steve Williams

    Crude, Heavy Oil & Utilities Technology Manager Marathon Petroleum Company

    Hector E. Gamboa-Arizpe

    Strategic Planning / Senior Process Engineer CITGO Petroleum Corporation

    Raúl Romero

    Technical Director Refining Nalco Water

    Christina H McDowell

    Environmental Compliance Specialist Becht
    Crude, Coking

    Chris McDowell, Becht
    Steve Williams, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    • Isolation of Hot Oil Circuits
      Speaker: Hector Gamboa-Arizpe, CITGO Petroleum Corporation

    • Crude Feed Contaminants
      Speaker: Steve Williams, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    • Pyrophorics on Turnaround
      Speaker: Raúl Romero, Ecolab, Ecolab

    Rhett Finch

    Naphtha Technologist Marathon Petroleum Company

    Matthew Hutchinson

    Technology Manager Gasoline and Petrochemical Technologies Axens North America

    Thomas Porritt

    Reforming/Isomerization Business Network Leader Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Alexander V Sabitov

    Director, Reforming, Isomerization, Aromatics Phillips 66

    Russell Wiltse

    Director Technology Valero Energy Corporation

    Heidi Fraser

    Technology Specialist Honeywell UOP
    Gasoline Processes, Safety, Reliability

    Rhett Finch, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Matt Hutchinson, Axens North America
    Heidi Fraser, Honeywell UOP
    Thomas Porritt, Chevron USA Inc.
    Alex Sabitov, Phillips 66
    Russ Wiltse, Valero Energy Corporation

    Panel of operating company SMEs and technology licensors will discuss several topics on safety and reliability of Reforming and Isom process units and will be ready to address additional questions from the audience.

    03:00 PM

    AFPM Lounge Content

    AFPM Lounge: Engage with Women in Industry

    03:15 PM

    Paul Zimmerman

    Fellow, Hydroprocessing & Renewables, Technology Service Honeywell UOP

    Joe Slaughter

    Business Improvement Network Leader, Base Oils Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Douglas W Weerts

    Principal Process Hazard Analysis Leader Honeywell UOP

    Paul Zimmerman, Honeywell UOP
    Joe Slaughter, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Joe Slaughter, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    Doug Weerts, Honeywell UOP

    This will be an interactive discussion to help prepare for a Process Hazard Analysis in a hydroprocessing unit.

    • What are the requirements and experience levels for PHA participants.

    • Why you should use the Incident database and how to use it.

    • Why the same scenarios can be ranked differently during PHAs.

    • Why the Risk Matrix is important and how it effects the PHA.

    Andrew Craig

    President Great Southern Technologies

    Dean Roberts

    EWV Business Coordinator Ergon Refining, Inc.
    Mechanical Integrity, Fired Heater

    Dean Roberts, Ergon Refining, Inc.

    Andrew Craig, Great Southern Technologies

    In this session, GST’s will show how they worked with Ergon in order to avoid some of the pitfalls encountered while designing or troubleshooting new or existing fired heaters. The session will provide means to increase operability and reliability of fired heater systems. GST will also present their patented innovative technology that creates flameless combustion at radiant flux rates and flue gas temperatures common to refinery process heaters. GST’s new technology also meets the industry's stringent requirements for environmental, safety, reliability, operability, and maintainability. This session will also present the benefits of having cooler and more controlled combustion and offer technological solutions, thus providing a peak into GST’s most recent advancements in heater technology. Their latest advancements affords a much improved controllability for units that require a large range of operation.

    Warren Dan Harbs

    Senior Technical Consultant Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Benoit Guerin

    Business Development Director Veolia North America

    Jamal Y. Shamas

    Sr. Adv. Refining Engineer/Wastewater Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Dan Harbs, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Benoit Guerin, Veolia North America
    Jamal Y. Shamas, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Our expert panelists Jamal Shamas of Marathon Petroleum and Benoit Guerin of Veolia North America are going to give technical presentations on issues experienced with the management of the wastewater generated by renewable fuels pretreatment units. This will include recent experiences, and successful solutions implemented to address these challenges. We want to encourage attendees to please come with questions as we will have an audience Question and Answer session at the end.

    Elizabeth A. Manning

    Manager, Risk and Process Safety Cheniere Energy

    Daniel P McGraw

    Operations Manager Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Breanna Busker

    Technologist Refined Technologies, Inc.

    Alisha Deshpande

    Process Engineering Team Lead Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Matthew Holub

    IEA Reliability Team Lead LyondellBasell Industries
    Emerging Leaders

    Liz Manning, Cheniere Energy
    Daniel McGraw, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Breanna Busker, Refined Technologies/ReNu Technologies
    Alisha Deshpande, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    Matt Holub, LyondellBasell Industries

    Michael Federspiel

    Director, FCC Technology Valero Energy Corporation

    Bryan Dinkel

    FCC Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Afton Ferry

    Process Engineer Phillips 66

    Ziad Jawad

    Director FCC Technology Phillips 66

    Robert E. Montgomery

    Sr. Process Engineer Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Mike Federspiel, Valero Energy Corporation

    Bryan Dinkel, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Afton Ferry, Phillips 66
    Ziad Jawad, Phillips 66
    Rob Montgomery, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Industry subject matter experts will host a panel discussion centered on Reactor Isolation Valves. The panel will focus on justification and design concerns, operational headaches and optimized use of RIV’s; a Q&A session will follow, so bring your questions. FCC operators, technical support and safety personnel would benefit from this Panel discussion, as would anyone who is interested in pursuing a reactor isolation valve installation.

    Russell Wiltse

    Director Technology Valero Energy Corporation

    James Kleiss

    Becht Advisor Becht

    Chris Watson

    Technology Project Manager Chevron
    Gasoline Processes

    Russell Wiltse, Valero Energy Corporation

    James Kleiss, Becht
    Chris Watson, Chevron USA Inc.

    04:00 PM

    04:15 PM

    Latoya Britt

    Director, Member Services and Sponsorships AFPM
    Sponsored by Ketjen Corporation

    05:15 PM

    Sponsored by Ketjen Corporation

    All Welcome
    October 17

    08:00 AM

    09:00 AM

    Katie Marshall

    Sr. Technologist - Refining Refined Technologies, Inc.

    Shannon McAvoy

    Technical Manager ReNu Technologies

    William Radenberg

    Process Engineer HF Sinclair

    Katie Marshall, Refined Technologies, Inc.

    Shannon McAvoy, ReNu Technologies
    William Radenberg, HF Sinclair Corporation

    Joseph Famolaro

    Principal FCC Engineer ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company

    Clint Cooper

    Technical Services Manager W. R. Grace & Co.

    Richard Grove

    FCC Process Expert/FCC Enthusiast Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Chuck Novak

    FCC Technical Service Advisor Ketjen Corporation

    Joe Famolaro, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company

    Clint Cooper, W. R. Grace & Co.
    Richard Grove, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    Chuck Novak, Ketjen Corporation

    Wayne Woodard

    Hydroprocessing Advisor Valero Energy Corporation

    Sidra Roman

    Technical Service Manager Axens North America
    Gasoline Processes

    Wayne Woodard, Valero Energy Corporation

    Sidra Roman, Axens North America
    Wayne Woodard, Valero Energy Corporation

    Review of good practices for NHT pressure drop control, reactor hemispherical head opportunities and issues, silicon control and NHT record run case studies.

    Andrew Jakubowski

    Turnaround Director Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Mike DeHart

    Executive Director of Maintenance Excellence Valero Energy Corporation

    Eric Lindholm

    Turnaround Manager - Pine Bend Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Casey Long

    Director of Asset Management Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Jimmy Mendler

    Corporate Turnaround Manager Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Andrew Jakubowski, Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Mike Dehart, Valero Energy Corporation
    Eric Lindholm, Flint Hills Resources, LLC
    Casey Long, Flint Hills Resources, LLC
    Jimmy Mendler, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    The panel will discuss how to develop a quality turnaround worklist to optimize turnaround and maintenance work.

    Attendees will learn:

    1. How to use the RBWS to screen individual items.

    2. The use of data driven decision making.

    3. Utilization of the right software.

    Bruce Taylor

    Digital Transformation SME FurtherTec

    Moiz Sultan

    Crude Planner Parkland Fuels Corporation
    Digital Transformation

    Bruce Taylor, FurtherTec

    Moiz Sultan, Parkland Refining (B.C.) Ltd.

    A case study of Parkland Refining’s transformation of their crude supply, scheduling and refinery demands across their supply system involving Edmonton tanks, transmountain pipeline, transmountain outlets and the refinery. This digitalization initiative allowed Parkland to have improved visibility on the full supply chain with different teams contributing to each aspect where Traders manage supply, schedulers manage pipeline movements, and the Refinery owns the demands.

    Matt Correnti

    Senior Process Engineer Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Matt Jones

    Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Jordan Palka

    Materials Engineer Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Matt Correnti, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Matt Correnti, Chevron USA Inc.
    Matt Jones, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    Jordan Palka, Chevron USA Inc.

    Using Risk Based Inspection (RBI) as part of the unit asset strategy allows for optimized intervals for fixed equipment inspection and turnaround cycles. This opportunity must be balanced against both compliance and economic drivers to ensure the full financial benefits are realized. This session summarizes Hydroprocessing-specific damage mechanisms, lessons learned, and key equipment evaluations that should be considered when extending inspection and maintenance intervals.

    09:45 AM

    10:00 AM

    Andrew Jakubowski

    Turnaround Director Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Jimmy Mendler

    Corporate Turnaround Manager Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Andrew Jakubowski, Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Jimmy Mendler, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

    Panel will discuss key practices crucial to any successful project.

    Wade Hollman

    Director, Alkylation Technology Phillips 66

    Carl R. Ullrich

    Senior Business Development Manager Veolia North America
    Gasoline Process

    Randy Peterson, Elessent Clean Technologies

    Wade Hollman, Phillips 66
    Rick Ullrich, Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions

    A taskforce was formed as a follow-up to the presentation from PEMEX at the 2023 Summit. A goal of this taskforce is to study what causes some spent acid to be more reactive than typical. Another goal is to develop a simple test to help determine whether spent acid is safe to transport.

    Samuel A. Lordo

    Advisor Becht

    Belal Hassoun

    Sr. Fired Equipment Engineer Becht

    Frank Liu

    Director, Energy & Fired Equipment Technology Becht
    Coking, Fired Heater

    Facilitator: Sam Lordo, Becht

    Belal Hassoun, Becht
    Frank Liu, Becht

    Crude, Vacuum and Coker heaters can be considered the hearts of their respective process units. Monitoring the accumulation of internal tube fouling is important and challenging. This discussion will cover good practices applied to monitor fouling prone heaters with the intent to safely and reliably maximize equipment value generation and efficiency. Topics will include tube skin thermocouples, infrared thermography, Goldcup contact pyrometry and how these measurement tools can be utilized for pulse checks of the system. Key turnaround checklist items for heaters will also be discussed.

    Aishwariy Baheti

    Manager, Digital Solutions Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

    Leandro Martins


    Christian McDermott

    Sr. Vice President, Americas Voovio Technologies

    Wade Smith

    Wireless Service Manager, North America Emerson Automation Solutions
    Digital Transformation

    Bruce Taylor, FurtherTec

    Aishwariy Baheti, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
    Leandro Martins, Petrobras
    Christian McDermott, Voovio Technologies
    Wade Smith, Emerson Automation Solutions

    A set of case studies are presented by operating companies that discuss Connected Worker initiatives as a vital component of the factory of the future, enabling their organizations to address the challenges of modern manufacturing while reaping the benefits of improved productivity, safety, and efficiency. The Connected Worker, also known as the augmented worker, is seamlessly immersed in their surroundings in an operating facility by the use of a suite of highly advanced digital tool to assist in performing their daily tasks more effectively. Panelists will present their approaches to enabling the Connected Worker in their environment along with what was learned, and benefits achieved.

    Matthew Hutchinson

    Technology Manager Gasoline and Petrochemical Technologies Axens North America

    Joong Yang

    Process Safety & Engineering Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Amit Gupta

    Director - Furnace Technology & Sales Heurtey Petrochem Solutions

    William McLaughlin

    Fired Equipment Engineer ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company

    Ethan Spielvogel

    Fired Equipment Specialist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Randy Stier

    Director Refinery Fired Heaters Valero Energy Corporation

    Vivek Sundaram

    Fired Equipment SME LyondellBasell Industries
    Gasoline Processes

    Matt Hutchinson, Axens North America

    Joong Yang, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Amit Gupta, Heurtey Petrochem Solutions
    Bill McLaughlin, ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company
    Ethan Spielvogel, Marathon Petroleum Corp.
    Randy Stier, Valero Energy Corporation
    Vivek Sundaram, LyondellBassel Industries

    We are producing petroleum products in the current environment in which emissions reduction is demanded amidst rising consumer demand. The panel discussion will focus on safe operation and optimization of process fired heaters, including limitations with existing technologies to reduce emissions, and challenges with emerging technologies, e.g., hydrogen firing and electrification.

    Tiffany Clark

    FCC Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Derek Froehle

    Senior Technical Services Specialist in the FCC Technology Services group at Honeywell UOP UOP LLC

    David A. Hunt

    Senior Principal Technologist W. R. Grace & Co.

    Tiffany Clark, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Derek Froehle, Honeywell UOP
    David Hunt, W. R. Grace & Co.

    This session will review FCC process safety and catalyst level monitoring fundamentals through case study discussions. The first will describe how adverse weather conditions can result in abnormal FCC operation, potential safety incidents, and how utilizing available resources is key in incident prevention. The second will cover fluidization fundamentals including how to calculate the physical bed level and conclude with a troubleshooting case study with inconsistent reactor levels and disappearing regenerator level.

    Andrew Chen

    Senior Advisor, Hydroprocessing and Catalyst Technologies PBF Energy Inc.

    Jacob Coleman

    Hydroprocessing Subject Matter Expert Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Travis Kirk

    Sales Director, Clean Fuels - North America Topsoe, Inc.

    Scott McArthur

    Senior Hydroprocessing Engineer Phillips 66

    Christy Anderson

    Americas Technical Service Manager, Hydroprocessing Ketjen Corporation

    Montri Vichailak

    Hydroprocessing Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Christy Anderson, Ketjen Corporation
    Montri Vichailak, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Andy Chen, PBF Energy Inc.
    Jake Coleman, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    Travis Kirk, Topsoe, Inc.
    Scott McArthur, Phillips 66

    10:45 AM

    11:00 AM

    Atique Malik

    Founder AIControl LLC

    Brian McClure

    IT Expert Marathon Oil Corporation

    Emily Stewart

    HES Professional Marathon Petroleum Company
    Artificial Intelligence, Safety

    Atique Malik, AIControl LLC

    Brian McClure, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Emily Stewart, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Discussion of the basics of good data collection, appropriate methods for filtering data, database requirements and the supporting infrastructure for possible Machine Learning applications.

    Come prepared with your questions by viewing the pre-session webinar recording.

    Andrew Chen

    Senior Advisor, Hydroprocessing and Catalyst Technologies PBF Energy Inc.

    Jacob Coleman

    Hydroprocessing Subject Matter Expert Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Christy Anderson

    Americas Technical Service Manager, Hydroprocessing Ketjen Corporation

    Travis Kirk

    Sales Director, Clean Fuels - North America Topsoe, Inc.

    Scott McArthur

    Senior Hydroprocessing Engineer Phillips 66

    Montri Vichailak

    Hydroprocessing Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Christy Anderson, Ketjen Corporation
    Montri Vichailak, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Andy Chen, PBF Energy Inc.,
    Jake Coleman, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    Travis Kirk, Topsoe, Inc.
    Scott McArthur, Phillips 66

    Sylvain Fontaine

    Senior Application Expert - Hydrocarbon Processing Industry Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Javier Gonzalez

    National Accounts Manager Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Scott Lienemann

    Operations Zone Superintendent CHS Inc.

    Sylvain Fontaine, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

    Javier Gonzalez, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
    Scott Lienemann, CHS Inc.

    Andrew Mezera

    Director FCC Technology Valero Energy Corporation

    Ann Benoit

    Director, Global Customer Technology W. R. Grace & Co.

    Richard Grove

    FCC Process Expert/FCC Enthusiast Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Nikolas A Larsen

    FCC Technologist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Steven Shimoda

    Refining Technology Manager Technip Energies

    J. W. Wilson

    FCC Consultant Houston Fuel Oil Terminal Company

    Andrew Mezera, Valero Energy Corporation

    Ann Benoit, W. R. Grace & Co.
    Richard Grove, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
    Nik Larsen, Marathon Petroleum Corporation
    Steve Shimoda, Technip Energies
    Bill Wilson, FCC Process Consultant

    Andrew Jakubowski

    Turnaround Director Flint Hills Resources, LLC

    Michael Menosky

    Vice President, Reliability, Maintenance & Projects Monroe Energy, LLC

    Kevin Harkness

    Ops Lead Area 4 Monroe Energy, LLC

    Piotr Majcher

    Project Engineer Monroe Energy, LLC

    Drake Wilson

    Project Manager Monroe Energy, LLC

    Andrew Jakubowski, Flint Hills Resources, LLC
    Michael Menosky, Monroe Energy LLC

    Kevin Harkness, Monroe Energy, LLC
    Piotr Majcher, Monroe Energy, LLC
    Drake Wilson, Monroe Energy, LLC

    This session will highlight Monroe Energy, a small northeast refinery, and their journey toward replacing one of their oldest and most prolific processing assets: the Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Reactor. The presenters will provide an overview of the project conception, engineering, fabrication, logistics, installation, and post start-up operation. A key focus will be the discussion of challenges and successes from the construction phase of the project, as well as lessons learned for future events.

    Matthew Hutchinson

    Technology Manager Gasoline and Petrochemical Technologies Axens North America

    Joong Yang

    Process Safety & Engineering Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Amit Gupta

    Director - Furnace Technology & Sales Heurtey Petrochem Solutions

    William McLaughlin

    Fired Equipment Engineer ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company

    Ethan Spielvogel

    Fired Equipment Specialist Marathon Petroleum Corporation

    Randy Stier

    Director Refinery Fired Heaters Valero Energy Corporation

    Vivek Sundaram

    Fired Equipment SME LyondellBasell Industries
    Gasoline Processes

    Matt Hutchinson, Axens North America

    Joong Yang, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

    Amit Gupta, Heurtey Petrochem Solutions
    Bill McLaughlin, ExxonMobil Product Solutions Company
    Ethan Spielvogel, Marathon Petroleum Corp.
    Randy Stier, Valero Energy Corporation
    Vivek Sundaram, LyondellBassel Industries

    We are producing petroleum products in the current environment in which emissions reduction is demanded amidst rising consumer demand. The panel discussion will focus on safe operation and optimization of process fired heaters, including limitations with existing technologies to reduce emissions, and challenges with emerging technologies, e.g., hydrogen firing and electrification.